Register of interests for Councillor Leslie Pumm

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Register of interests

Councillor Leslie Pumm

This entry is from 'Councillor Leslie Pumm'. The Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (including those of my spouse, civil partner and a person with whom I am living as spouse or civil partner) under Appendix A of the Council's Code of Conduct for Members and pursuant to the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulation 2012 are as listed below:

1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain
Managing Director, Sea Brand Ltd
2. Sponsorship See note 2
3. Contracts See note 3
4. Land See note 4
The Member has declared an interest in relation to this section, the details of which are withheld pursuant to Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
5. Licences See note 5
6. Corporate Tenancies See note 6
Corporate Tenancies
7. Securities* See note 7

8. Personal interests

8. Any body of which I am in a position of general control or management
Any body of which I am in a position of general control or management
Brandsmate Ltd
Dope Studios Ltd
Sea Brand Ltd
9. Gifts & Hospitality See note 9
Gifts or hospitality above an estimated value of £50, which I have accepted by virture of my office
I have received a FABULOSO / PRESTON PARK - WEEKEND VIP PASS which granted me access to the festival on Saturday and Sunday. According to Pride’s website, the Weekend VIP Pass is worth £300.00. I have received this gift from Brighton Pride CIC on 5th August 2023.
10. Voluntary Registration of Membership of Private Clubs See note 10
Voluntary Registration of Private Club Memberships


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