ePetition - Dyke Close Parking Chaos

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Dyke Close Parking Chaos

We the undersigned petition Brighton & Hove Council to Introduce a light touch parking scheme into Dyke Close. Ever since parking restrictions were introduced in the surrounding areas, the number of cars parking in Dyke Close and blocking the road and our driveways has become unbearable and more importantly dangerous. The Close is used as a parking site and people that park, often do so without consideration and for lengthy stays -often cars are left for weeks.

Our bins are very often not collected because the bin lorry cannot get down the road due to badly parked cars- the bin and recycling drivers themselves have complained about this to their managers.
There was an incident where there was a fire on the corner house of Dyke Close and the fire engine was unable to get down - luckily no lives were lost but the damage was more extensive due to the delay in getting the fire truck down. What happens if this happens to another house and lives are lost?

This ePetition runs from 16/04/2024 to 16/10/2024.

3 people have signed this ePetition.


Brighton & Hove City Council | Hove Town Hall | Hove | BN3 3BQ | Tel: (01273) 290000 | Mail: info@brighton-hove.gov.uk | how to find us | comments & complaints