ePetition - Lack of short breaks, holiday activities and after school care for children and young people with SEND in Brighton and Hove

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Lack of short breaks, holiday activities and after school care for children and young people with SEND in Brighton and Hove

We the undersigned petition Brighton & Hove Council to We, the undersigned, petition Brighton and Hove Council to provide short breaks, holiday activities and after school provision for ALL children and young people with SEND aged 0-25 and their families, which is suitable for all levels of need including children and young people with complex needs. Children and Young People and their Parents and Carers urgently need this provision to be in place and accessible to all before the summer holidays start at the end of July 2024 so that children and young people can engage in meaningful activities when they are not at school or college, so that parents and carers can work, and so that parents and carers can have a break from their caring role.

Since the closure of Extratime in 2023 the local authority has failed to produce a plan of action to provide short breaks and holiday activities for all children with SEND,
the little that has been offered is not suitable for those with complex needs who need 1:1 support. This is contrary to the local authority's legal duties and leaves Children and Young People and their families in crisis and struggling to cope. Without having adequate provision in place many families will not cope with the summer holidays and without adequate provision to allow parents to work many families will be plunged into both family and financial crisis, this is likely to cost the local authority more in the long term if families in crisis results in more emergency placements for children and young people being required.

Please sign our petition so that we can present this vital issue to the Children, Families and Schools Committee

This ePetition ran from 21/04/2024 to 21/10/2024 and has now finished.

3 people signed this ePetition.


Brighton & Hove City Council | Hove Town Hall | Hove | BN3 3BQ | Tel: (01273) 290000 | Mail: info@brighton-hove.gov.uk | how to find us | comments & complaints