ePetition - Review of Area J CPZ Utilisation
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Review of Area J CPZ Utilisation
It is clear that Brighton & Hove, in common with many other cities, has a parking problem. Put simply, in certain areas of the city, there are more cars trying to park than there are parking spaces. It is essential, therefore, that the use of this “scarce resource” (i.e. parking spaces) is maximised, albeit in a manner which takes due account of safety issues and the interests of local residents.
Since the implementation of the Area J Extension in November 2009 it would appear that the level of utilisation of parking spaces in Preston Park Avenue, for example, is very low (less than 50% at most times). This “wastage” of parking spaces has resulted in a significant increase in the demand for parking spaces in adjoining streets.
It is proposed that the Council should undertake a parking survey as soon as possible covering all of the streets included in the Area J Extension implemented in November 2009 with a view to establishing:-
(1) the overall level of utilisation of the parking spaces
(2) the utilisation of parking spaces by cars with Resident Parking Permits
This information should then be reviewed by the Council in order to “fine tune” the designation of parking spaces (Resident Parking Permit, Pay & Display, free to use etc) with a view to increasing the utilisation of parking spaces to an acceptable level.
This e-petition will be received at the Environment Cabinet Member meeting on 4 November 2010.
This ePetition ran from 10/06/2010 to 22/10/2010 and has now finished.
53 people signed this ePetition.
Council response
The Cabinet member for Environment gave the following response: There are currently no proposals to carry out a parking survey in the streets in the Area J extension as the scheme has only been operating for just over a full year. There would need to be a clear consensus from residents and Ward Councillors for a survey to be carried out in the future.