ePetition - Keep the Level a green open space
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ePetition details
Keep the Level a green open space
Brighton & Hove City Council is proposing to build a new skate park on the only remaining undeveloped green end of the Level, which is in the Valley Gardens Conservation area.
Plans to move the location of the skate park to the open, green area contravene the spirit of an iconic community resource that should be preserved from development as a place for congregating, holding community events, festivals and fairs.
The epetition and its paper counterpart will be the subject of a debate at the Council Meeting on 21 July 2011.
This ePetition ran from 24/09/2010 to 07/07/2011 and has now finished.
298 people signed this ePetition.
Council response
The petition was referred from Councilon 21 July 2011 to the
Environment, Transport & Sustainability Cabinet Members Meeting
on 4 October 2011 where the Cabinet Member for Environment &
Sustainability explained that the decision on the Masterplan for
The Level had been made at the previous Cabinet Members Meeting in
July. He reported that the bid had subsequently been submitted to
the Heritage Lottery Fund and that a response was anticipated in
January 2012. He acknowledged the ongoing concerns of some
residents in relation to the location of the skate park, but stated
that the decision had been taken on the basis on the consultation
results, which indicated a clear preference to move it north of the
Rose Walk. He stated that the council would continue to work
closely with residents and urged people to support the bid for