ePetition - Community Value of Pubs
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Community Value of Pubs
- for many people community public houses are important amenities
that support positive interactions between people from different
backgrounds and enhance community cohesion;
- the New National Planning Policy Framework makes specific
reference to the need to safeguard public houses;
- high residential property values in Brighton & Hove are
endangering the future of valued publichouses and that effective
local planning rules allow public houses to be demolished or
converted into betting shops, pay-day loan stores, supermarket
metro stores and other uses without planning permission;
- the Assets of Community Value scheme introduced in the Localism
Act 2011 allows local communities to secure a degree of additional
protection for local community assets;
- in some cases, excessively high rents and tied product prices
contribute to the failure of otherwise profitable pus.
This petition is submitted on behalf of the Brighton & South Downs branch of CAMRA. CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale is an independent, voluntary organisation campaigning for real ale, community pubs and consumer rights. In the present day, CAMRA has 161,672 members and has been described as the most successful consumer campaign in Europe. The Brighton & South Downs branch has 1,759 members.
The petition will be presented to the Economic Development & Regeneration Committee on the 18th September 2014.
This ePetition ran from 11/07/2014 to 13/11/2014 and has now finished.
46 people signed this ePetition.