ePetition - Climate friendly / plant based food in schools
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Climate friendly / plant based food in schools
Food production alone is set to push Earth past 1.5°C of
warming according to an Oxford University meta analysis in 2018.
“If we don’t change what we do with food, we would miss
the 1.5°C target within 30 to 45 years,” says Professor
Michael Clark. He adds, “The most effective one seems to be
transitioning to a plant-based diet”. He adds:
“Animal agriculture and fishing industries are leading causes
of deforestation, ocean dead zones, water pollution, biodiversity
loss, and species extinction. Not only that, intensive animal
farming poses has a significant threat for the development of new
pandemics, and for furthered antibacterial resistance to
This ePetition ran from 15/02/2021 to 13/06/2021 and has now finished.
323 people signed this ePetition.