ePetition - Brighton History Centre
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ePetition details
Brighton History Centre
The city prides itself on its heritage and exploits it. Heritage and cultural tourism is recognised as a key driver of the city’s economy. Such tourism exists and grows because researchers document and illuminate the heritage, using library resources. The city would be poorer in every sense if the Centre closes.
This ePetition ran from 23/12/2009 to 28/01/2010 and has now finished.
1259 people signed this ePetition.
Council response
The E-petition was presented by Councillor Davey at the Full Council meeting on the 28th January at the request of the lead petitioner who was aware that the matter had been considered by the Leader of the Council and a statement confirming the Council's position had been made at the Cabinet meeting on the 14th January 2010.
Leader's statement:
"Finally, I would just like to make a brief statement on the Brighton History Centre and the Booth Museum.
Since this was proposed the level of affection for these services has become very obvious, so I’ve taken the decision to redirect some of our discretionary spending, such as advertising budgets, towards keeping these centres open. We are faced with a tough financial situation so we’ve got to ensure that we are using public money wisely.
I envisage keeping the History Centre where it is until The Keep opens.
I also propose to set up an independent commission to look into the future of the city’s museums.
This decision demonstrates that the council takes these issues very seriously, that we listen carefully and then implement policies designed to reflect public opinion. Nobody at the council wants to reduce any services. But lack of government funding is forcing us into these difficult choices.
An independent commission will work with the city council to
look at how the city’s museums can be funded and managed into
the future. We face increasing pressure every year to find workable
solutions, so the best thing to do is involve some of the
city’s experts to help shape the future of our