ePetition - Parking permits for residents of Ansty Close BN2 5GL

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Parking permits for residents of Ansty Close BN2 5GL

We the undersigned petition Brighton & Hove Council to Resident parking only for residents of Ansty Close BN2 5GL Permit parking for residents of Ansty Close BN2 5GL

There are 16 houses in the cul de sac and 16 parking spaces. 2 parking spaces are disabled. The surrounding areas are permitted, as we do not live in the zone we are unable to buy a permit. One resident in the cul de sac buys and sells cars from his home address, he has had up to 9 cars parked in the cul de sac. A member of the public that does not live in the cul de sac park all of their 3 work BRIGHTON & HOVE COUNCIL REPAIR VANS, their B&H council taxi and their 4x4 car. Why can’t these vehicles be left in the depot? Or why can’t they park their vehicles in the zones as they have permits? When they go on holiday all 5 vehicles just sit there, not being used, usually parked outside my home taking full advantage of our security cameras. It’s beyond selfish. As it’s free parking the hospital staff also park here despite there being a park and ride at the race course. Vehicles are often left for months at a time, currently a people carrier has been here for 1 month, not moved and owner lives somewhere else. There’s no respect from the non residents, they take up more space than needed, they dump their rubbish and cig ends by the kerb. Cars are being damaged, double parked, very limited access for emergency services to attend, 1 resident had a nasty fall and her immediate care was not possible due to emergency services not being able to gain access to her property. Bin men are not able to manoeuvre. It is IMPOSSIBLE for residents to find parking. The parking is getting worse by the day.

This ePetition ran from 19/12/2023 to 05/02/2024 and has now finished.

5 people signed this ePetition.


Brighton & Hove City Council | Hove Town Hall | Hove | BN3 3BQ | Tel: (01273) 290000 | Mail: info@brighton-hove.gov.uk | how to find us | comments & complaints