ePetition - It makes better business sense to restore the 3 crowd funded Arches at the Concorde 2 end of Madeira Drive
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ePetition details
It makes better business sense to restore the 3 crowd funded Arches at the Concorde 2 end of Madeira Drive
• The councils choice of arches are untypical – in
fact, they are not generally referred to as the same as the open
arches - so their costing per arch will be flawed.
• They have not consulted nor shown visuals of the 3 arches
chosen to the crowd funding community or wider public.
• Building works along Madeira Drive are already having a
disastrous effect on trading; having more building works at the
Western end of Madeira Terraces will make the outdoors seating that
the traders rely on noisy, dirty, dusty & visually
• Restoring 3 arches near Concorde 2 would not disturb the
local business as they are on the beach side, apart from Concorde
2, which is not active in the day time
• The area around Concorde 2 will better benefit from
having 3 arches being restored because they will create an all year
round destination, thus encouraging the visitors & residents to
travel along from the pier.
• It would lead to more use of the of the Volks railway midway
station & workshop gallery.
• If E.H.L.F funding is agreed & the restoration of 59
arches can go ahead then the arches around Concorde 2 are in more
urgent need as they are already supported.
• The repair of the Concorde 2 roof, public toilets & the
Madeira Lift are urgent & will give more benefits to traders,
residents and visitors around this area than anywhere else along
Madeira Terraces.
• Having the lift working all year round leads to the possibilities of less parking & less pollution as there are bus stops nearby offering a good local & long trip bus service. This would also benefit families & disabled visitors wanting to access the Barefoot Cafe, Jungle Rumble & Sealanes, all of which have disabled & child friendly pursuits.
• The traders could offer combined entrance and bus use admission
• It makes better business sense to restore the 3 crowd funded Arches at the Concorde 2 end of Madeira Drive, therefore creating a business plan & releasing the £1m from the i360, ear-marked for the Terraces
This ePetition ran from 04/02/2019 to 27/03/2019 and has now finished.
2908 people signed this ePetition.
Council response
Thank you for your petition. As you may have noticed, the committee will consider a report on this matter later in this meeting and I hope you are able to stay to hear our consideration of that report