ePetition - Budget for Community Meals on Wheels

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Budget for Community Meals on Wheels

We the undersigned petition Brighton & Hove Council to Include funding for Community Meals on Wheels for our most vulnerable residents in their next budget

Meals on Wheels provide an essential lifeline to our most vulnerable neighbours who are unable to cook their own meals for a variety of reasons. Providing a nutritious daily meal, welfare checks & social contact enables people to stay healthy, independent & relieves pressure on adult social care & the NHS.

This ePetition ran from 01/11/2022 to 09/01/2023 and has now finished.

7 people signed this ePetition.


Brighton & Hove City Council | Hove Town Hall | Hove | BN3 3BQ | Tel: (01273) 290000 | Mail: info@brighton-hove.gov.uk | how to find us | comments & complaints