ePetition - Make the Old Shoreham Road cycle lane extension permanent and establish a city-wide cycle network
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Make the Old Shoreham Road cycle lane extension permanent and establish a city-wide cycle network
Around 30% of households in the city do not have a car. Given current advice to avoid public transport, walking and cycling are obvious options. With the reduced traffic in lockdown, there has been a huge rise in the number of people cycling but many people who wish to cycle feel unsafe doing so in dense, fast-moving traffic, such as that found on the Old Shoreham Road. The solution to this is segregated cycle lanes.
Cities that have invested in cycle networks, such as Copenhagen, have seen a big rise in cycling and a drop in car use. This means that streets are less congested, the air is cleaner and people who have no alternative but to use a car can get about more quickly and easily. Although isolated cycle lanes on key roads are better than nothing, we will not see a large shift from car to bicycle use until there is a full network.
This ePetition ran from 15/06/2020 to 12/08/2020 and has now finished.
5135 people signed this ePetition.
Council response
The petition will be presented to the Special Council on 13 August 2020