ePetition - City name change

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City name change

We the undersigned petition Brighton & Hove Council to adopt ‘Brighton’ as the official name of our city, with Hove honored as a unique and celebrated area within it. This change would reflect our unified identity under one city name, strengthening our appeal and sense of community while respecting each area’s distinct character and heritage

This petition proposes changing our city’s official name from “Brighton & Hove” to simply “Brighton,” while ensuring that Hove remains a distinct and vibrant district within the larger city.

This isn’t about erasing Hove’s unique identity—it’s about recognizing that Hove will still be known as Hove, but as an integral part of Brighton. The rich character and history of Hove will continue to be celebrated, preserving its name and sense of place within a connected city. By adopting “Brighton” as our official city name, we aim to bring a stronger, more unified identity to our community, while respecting what makes each area special.

This change reflects the way our community already feels—one connected city. Adopting this single name could boost the city’s appeal on a global scale, benefiting tourism and attracting investment. Locally, it could foster a deeper sense of unity, giving the city a bigger, more cohesive feel as it thrives under one name.

The council has indicated that with enough community support, they would consider this change. If you believe this vision of a more connected, thriving city could benefit our community, please show your support. Together, we can work toward a shared future that respects our history and embraces new opportunities.

This ePetition runs from 03/12/2024 to 03/06/2025.

58 people have signed this ePetition.


Brighton & Hove City Council | Hove Town Hall | Hove | BN3 3BQ | Tel: (01273) 290000 | Mail: info@brighton-hove.gov.uk | how to find us | comments & complaints