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List of all Councillors
By name:
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Alexander, Councillor Mitchie
Allen, Councillor Jacob Allen
Asaduzzaman, Councillor Moham
Atkinson, Councillor Peter At
Bagaeen, Councillor Samer Bag
Baghoth, Councillor Faiza Bag
Burden, Councillor Tristram B
Cattell, Councillor Julie Cat
Czolak, Councillor Andrei Czo
Daniel, Councillor Emma Danie
Davis, Councillor Steve Davis
De Oliveira, Councillor Bruno
Earthey, Councillor Mark Eart
Evans, Councillor Amanda Evan
Fishleigh, Councillor Bridget
Fowler, Councillor Theresa Fo
Galvin, Councillor Ty Galvin
Gauge, Councillor Milla Gauge
Goddard, Councillor Ty Goddar
Goldsmith, Councillor Chloe G
Grimshaw, Councillor Amanda G
Guilmant, Councillor Josh Gui
Helliwell, Councillor Lucy He
Hewitt, Councillor John Hewit
Hill, Councillor Raphael Hill
Hogan, Councillor Emma Hogan
Loughran, Councillor Liz Loug
Lyons, Councillor Ivan Lyons
Mackey, Councillor Theresa Ma
McGregor, Councillor David Mc
McLeay, Councillor Ellen McLe
McNair, Councillor Alistair M
Meadows, Councillor Anne Mead
Miller, Councillor Birgit Mil
Muten, Councillor Trevor Mute
Nann, Councillor Paul Nann
O'Quinn, Councillor Jackie O'
Pickett, Councillor Kerry Pic
Pumm, Councillor Leslie Pumm
Robins, Councillor Alan Robin
Robinson, Councillor Joy Robi
Rowkins, Councillor Tim Rowki
Sankey, Councillor Bella Sank
Shanks, Councillor Sue Shanks
Sheard, Councillor Tobias She
Simon, Councillor Jacqui Simo
Sykes, Councillor Ollie Sykes
Taylor, Councillor Jacob Tayl
Theobald, Councillor Carol Th
Thomson, Councillor Alison Th
Vacancy, Vacancy
West, Councillor Pete West
Wilkinson, Councillor Gary Wi
Williams, Councillor Gill Wil
Winder, Councillor Maureen Wi
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Brunswick & Adelaide
Central Hove
Coldean & Stanmer
Hangleton & Knoll
Hanover & Elm Grove
Hollingdean & Fiveways
Moulsecoomb & Bevendean
North Portslade
Patcham & Hollingbury
Preston Park
Queen's Park
Rottingdean & West Saltdean
Round Hill
South Portslade
West Hill & North Laine
Westbourne & Poets’ Corner
Westdene & Hove Park
Whitehawk & Marina
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e.g. BN3 2LS
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