Issue history - Review of use and local lettings plans for blocks designated for Older People aged 50 years or older and one bedroom bungalows
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Issue history
Review of use and local lettings plans for blocks designated for Older People aged 50 years or older and one bedroom bungalows
- 11/11/2009 - Published decision: Local Lettings Plans- Lettings Restricted to Persons over 50 years of Age and Bungalows
- 11/11/2009 - Agenda item, Housing Cabinet Member Meeting Local Lettings Plans- Lettings Restricted to Persons over 50 years of Age and Bungalows* 11/11/2009
- 18/11/2009 - Call-in period expired: Local Lettings Plans- Lettings Restricted to Persons over 50 years of Age and Bungalows