Issue details - Building Schools for the Future – Readiness to Deliver Submission

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Issue details

Building Schools for the Future – Readiness to Deliver Submission

To seek authority to submit the readiness to deliver submission for Building Schools for the Future and to agree that it should be submitted to the Partnership for Schools.


Note: Item deferred from 11 June Cabinet to 9th July Cabinet at request of the Director.


Note: Item deferred from 9th July Cabinet to 17th September Cabinet. The reason for this deferral is that prior to the completion of the Readiness to Deliver Submission Statement, a meeting needs to take place with the Office of the Schools Commissioner.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant impact on 2 or more Wards;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 17 Sep 2009 by Cabinet (pre 2012)

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Children & Young People

Lead director: Director of Children's Services

Department: Children's Services

Contact: Gil Sweetenham, Schools Futures Project Director Email: Tel: 29-3474.

Consultation process

Consultation plan in place.


Visioning work with Schools begun October 2008. Sub Groups –SEN, Transition, ICT, Sport, 14-19 in place since Jan 2009.  Masterplanning carried out on first four schools  (Jan-June 2009).


Agenda items


  • Cabinet meeting report for Building Schools for the Future – Readiness to Deliver Submission  


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