Issue details - Third Sector Recovery Action Plan

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Issue details

Third Sector Recovery Action Plan

To approve draft Recovery Action Plan for the Third Sector in Brighton & Hove. In summary, the plan contains a package of measures to support voluntary and community groups in the city at a time when their income is falling and demand on their services is increasing. The expected outcome is a more resilient third sector, better prepared to survive the economic downturn and to rise to new opportunities when they arise


Note: Item deferred to a later date at the request of the Director.


Note: This item’s title has been changed since it originally appeared in Edition 13 (June – September 2009) of the Forward Plan from ‘Third Sector Recession Action Plan’ to the new title of ‘Third Sector Recovery Action Plan.’ This change was at the request of the Director.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant impact on 2 or more Wards;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 11 Mar 2010 by Cabinet (pre 2012)

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Community Affairs, Inclusion & Internal Relations

Lead director: Director of Strategy & Governance

Department: Strategy & Governance

Contact: John Routledge, Head of Communities Email: Tel: 29-1112.

Consultation process

A draft of the Action Plan has been shared with several officers across the council and discussed with several third sector representatives, including a consultation workshop on April 30th. The draft has been discussed with the council's Equalities & Inclusion Team with a view to ensuring that equalities issues are dealt with in the Plan. Further consultation has been held across the council, third sector and Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) members during the second half of 2009 to enable the Plan to be developed further.


Agenda items


  • Cabinet meeting report for Third Sector Recession Action Plan  

Note posted on Thursday, 14th January, 2010

This item was deferred to the 11th March Cabinet to allow further time for consultation.

Note posted on Wednesday, 7th October, 2009

Note: This item’s title has been changed since it originally appeared in Edition 13 (June – September 2009) of the Forward Plan from ‘Third Sector Recession Action Plan’ to the new title of ‘Third Sector Recovery Action Plan.’ This change was at the request of the Director.

Note posted on Friday, 15th May, 2009

IIem deferred to a later date at the request of the Director.


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