Issue details - Housing Strategy 2009-2014: Healthy Homes, Healthy Lives, Healthy city
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Housing Strategy 2009-2014: Healthy Homes, Healthy Lives, Healthy city
Approval is sought for the citywide Housing Strategy and also the linked Older People's Housing Strategy and LGBT People's Housing Strategy. Approval is also being sought from the Local Strategic Partnership
Note: This item is being brought forward to the 12.11.09 Cabinet from the 03.12.09 Cabinet at the request of the Director as the December Cabinet is being moved at the request of the Leader.
Note: Title correction – Original title read ‘Housing Strategy 2009-2013: Healthy Homes, Healthy Lives, Healthy city’. This should have read 2009-2014
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Significant impact on 2 or more Wards;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Decision due: 12 Nov 2009 by Cabinet (pre 2012)
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Housing
Lead director: Director of Adult Social Care & Health
Department: Adult Social Care & Housing
Contact: Email: Tel: 01273 293159.
Consultation process
These strategies have been developed over the last 2 years with extensive stakeholder and public consultation. Stakeholder working groups have championed the Older People's and LGBT People's strategies.
Reason No Public Access: N/A
Agenda items
- 12/11/2009 - Cabinet (pre 2012) Housing Strategy 2009-2014: healthy homes, healthy lives, healthy city 12/11/2009
- Cabinet meeting report for Housing Strategy 2009-2013: Healthy Homes, Healthy Lives, Healthy city