Issue details - Wellington Road Tender report

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Issue details

Wellington Road Tender report

To seek agreement to tender for a support service at 18 Wellington Road

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant impact on 2 or more Wards;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Hanover & Elm Grove;

Decision due: 17 Sep 2009 by Cabinet (pre 2012)

Lead member: Councillor Maria Caulfield

Lead director: Director of Adult Social Care & Health

Department: Adult Social Care & Housing

Contact: Diana Bernhardt, Lead Commissioner for Learning Disabilities Email: Tel: 29-2363.

Consultation process

Consultation has been undertaken as part of the development of the commissioning strategy. The Learning Disability Partnership Board and sub groups have also been consulted specifically in relation to the service and their comments are included in the report.

Reason No Public Access: N/A


Agenda items


  • Cabinet meeting report for Wellington Road Tender report  


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