Issue details - Occupational Health Procurement

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Issue details

Occupational Health Procurement

To seek agreement to commence the procurement process for a five year contract to provide Brighton & Hove City Council with occupational health services.


Note: this item had been listed on the Forward Plan for Cabinet on the 15 October, but was referred for consideration at the Cabinet Member Meeting on the 12 October at the request of the Director 29.09.09



Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 12 Oct 2009 by Central Services Cabinet Member Meeting

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Central Services

Lead director: Director of Strategy & Governance

Department: Strategy & Governance

Contact: Email: Tel: 29-1647.

Consultation process

Preliminary consultation with GMB and Unison.  

Consultation Panel to be appointed to review different options prior to the tendering process.



Agenda items


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