Issue details - Intelligent Commissioning Pilots

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Issue details

Intelligent Commissioning Pilots

To recommend outcomes and commissioning priorities for dealing with domestic violence, alcohol related harm and drug related deaths in the city .

Note: This Item is being deferred to 17th March Cabinet 2011 at the request of the Commissioner – Community Safety.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant impact on 2 or more Wards;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 17 Mar 2011 by Cabinet (pre 2012)

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Community Affairs, Inclusion & Internal Relations

Lead director: Strategic Director, Communities

Contact: Linda Beanlands, Commissioner, Community Safety Email: Tel: 29-1115.

Consultation process

Consultation with Overview and Scrutiny Commission on 1st February.


Agenda items


  • Intelligent Commissioning Pilots  

Note posted on Thursday, 13th January, 2011

Note: This Item is being deferred to 17th March Cabinet 2011 at the request of the Commissioner – Community Safety.


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