Issue details - Procurement of Vehicles and Plant.

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Issue details

Procurement of Vehicles and Plant.

To seek Cabinet approval to tender for and award contracts for the procurement of vehicles for refuse, recycling and street cleaning, city parks, adult social care, children’s and young peoples trust and parking services in 2011/12.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure is greater than £1,000000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 9 Jun 2011 by Cabinet (pre 2012)

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Environment

Lead director: Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing

Department: Place

Contact: Gillian Marston, Head of City Infrastructure Email: Tel: 29-4701.

Consultation process

Internal & External stakeholders, Cabinet Member


Agenda items


  • Cabinet Report for Procurement of Vehicles and Plant.  


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