Issue details - Brighton & Hove Child Poverty Strategy 2012-2015
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Issue details
Brighton & Hove Child Poverty Strategy 2012-2015
A set of strategic outcomes and objectives
designed to mitigate the effects of child poverty in the short to
medium term and to reduce child poverty in the City over the longer
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Significant impact on 2 or more Wards;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Decision due: 25 Jan 2012 by Children & Young People's Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Decision due: 30 Jan 2012 by Children & Young People's Trust Board
Decision due: 9 Feb 2012 by Cabinet (pre 2012)
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Children & Young People
Lead director: Strategic Director, People
Department: People
Contact: Sarah Colombo, Programme Manager for Starting Well Email: Tel: 01273 294218 Emma McDermott, Head of Communities & Equality Email: Tel: 01273 296805.
Consultation process
Public consultation on the results of the
Child Poverty Needs Assessment and on draft strategic
recommendations for the Child Poverty Strategy
- 09/02/2012 - Brighton & Hove Child Poverty Strategy 2012-2015
Agenda items
- 25/01/2012 - Children & Young People's Overview & Scrutiny Committee Brighton & Hove Child Poverty Strategy 2012-2015 25/01/2012
- 09/02/2012 - Cabinet (pre 2012) Brighton & Hove Child Poverty Strategy 2012-2015 09/02/2012
- Cabinet Report for Brighton & Hove Child Poverty Strategy 2012-2015