Issue details - Corporate Procurement of Energy - Half Hourly (over 100kW) Electricity and Gas Contracts Starting October 2012

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Issue details

Corporate Procurement of Energy - Half Hourly (over 100kW) Electricity and Gas Contracts Starting October 2012

For Cabinet to note the use of urgency powers by the Strategic Director Resources for the first year of the award of the Corporate Procurement of Energy contract, and for Cabinet to approve the award for the remaining three years.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant impact on 2 or more Wards;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 10 May 2012 by Cabinet (pre 2012)

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Finance & Central Services

Lead director: Strategic Director, Resources

Department: Resources

Contact: Angela Dymott, Head of Property Services Email: Tel: 01273 291450, Andrew Batchelor, Corporate Asset Manager Email: Tel: 01273 291441, Email: Tel: 29-4591.

Reason No Public Access: Not applicable


Agenda items


  • Cabinet Report for Corporate Procurement of Energy - Half Hourly (over 100kW) Electricity and Gas Contracts Starting October 2012  


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