Issue details - Local Development Framework -Brighton & Hove Core Strategy: Submission Version

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Issue details

Local Development Framework -Brighton & Hove Core Strategy: Submission Version

To seek approval to publish the city council’s Submission version of the Core Strategy (Reg 27).


This item had been deferred from the 18th December Cabinet to the 15th January 2009 Cabinet meeting.


Deferred to April 23rd meeting.  16 January: The item has been delayed until the September Cabinet meeting.


Note: The title of this item has been changed from ‘Local Development Framework – Core Strategy’ which first appeared in Edition 4 of the Forward Plan, to ‘Local Development Framework -Brighton & Hove Core Strategy: Submission Version’ at the request of the Director.


Note: Item deferred to November Cabinet Meeting at the request of the Director

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant impact on 2 or more Wards;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 12 Nov 2009 by Cabinet (pre 2012)

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Environment

Lead director: Director of Environment

Department: Environment

Contact: Liz Hobden, Head of Planning Email: Tel: 01273 292504.

Consultation process

The Core Strategy has been subject to two rounds of formal public consultation in November 2006 and June 2008.


Internal legal and finance consultation will be undertaken for this report.


Agenda items


  • Cabinet meeting report for Core Strategy  

Local Development Framework -Brighton & Hove Core Strategy: Submission Version

The item has been deferred from the September Cabinet meeting at the request of the Director and is now likely to come to the Cabinet in November or December.

Note posted on Tuesday, 28th April, 2009

Note: The title of this item has been changed from ‘Local Development Framework – Core Strategy’ which first appeared in Edition 4 of the Forward Plan, to ‘Local Development Framework -Brighton & Hove Core Strategy: Submission Version’ at the request of the Director


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