Issue details - Nomination of a SHWB member to represent the Board to the Kent, Surrey & Sussex Local Education & Training Board

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Issue details

Nomination of a SHWB member to represent the Board to the Kent, Surrey & Sussex Local Education & Training Board

to nominate a member to represent the board in discussions with the LETB (i.e. re NHS training issues)

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 5 Dec 2012 by Shadow Health & Wellbeing Board

Lead member: Councillor Rob Jarrett, Lead Member for Adult Care & Health

Lead director: Director of Public Health

Department: Public Health

Contact: Giles Rossington, Senior Policy, Partnerships & Scrutiny Officer Email: Tel: 01273 295514.

Agenda items


  • Nomination of a SHWB member to represent the Board to the Kent, Surrey & Sussex Local Education & Training Board  


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