Issue details - Vernon Gardens

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Issue details

Vernon Gardens

Disposal of Property

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure is greater than £1,000000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Regency;

Decision due: 18 Sep 2008 by Cabinet (pre 2012)

Lead director: Director of Adult Social Care & Health

Department: Adult Social Care & Housing

Contact: Email: Tel: 29-4478.

Consultation process

Consultation process was undertaken between 24/09/07 and 21/12/07 with groups including: people receiving respite or short term care, long stay residents, relatives and staff. A range of other stakeholders which included local GPs, district nurses, ward councillors, local MPs and social care assessment teams. 


A report was made to the ASC Committee on 28/01/08 recommending the option for refurbishment to provide nine extra care flats for people with a physical disability be explored.



Agenda items


  • Cabinet meeting report for Vernon Gardens  


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