Issue details - Strategic Risk Management Action Plan Focus SR2 Financial Outlook; SR11 Welfare Reform

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Issue details

Strategic Risk Management Action Plan Focus SR2 Financial Outlook; SR11 Welfare Reform

The Committee has agreed a schedule to focus on two Strategic Risk Management Action Plans (Risk MAPs) at each meeting, and to ask Risk Owners to attend in order to more fully explore the details of the actions to address each Strategic Risk.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/06/2013

Decision due: 25 Jun 2013 by Audit & Standards Committee

Lead member: Chair of the Audit & Standards Committee

Lead director: Executive Director for Finance & Resources

Contact: Jackie Algar, Risk Management Lead Tel: 01273 291273.


Agenda items


  • Strategic Risk Management Action Plan Focus SR2 Financial Outlook; SR11 Welfare Reform  


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