Issue details - Strategic Risk MAP focus: SR19 Implementation of the Care Act; SR20 Better Care Fund; and SR13 Keeping Vulnerable Adults safe from harm and abuse
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Issue details
Strategic Risk MAP focus: SR19 Implementation of the Care Act; SR20 Better Care Fund; and SR13 Keeping Vulnerable Adults safe from harm and abuse
The Audit & Standards Committee have a
role to monitor , and form an opinion on, the effectiveness of risk
management and internal control,. One of the ways the Committee has
resolved to do this is by focusing on Strategic Risk Management
Action Plans (risk MAPs).
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2014
Decision due: 23 Sep 2014 by Audit & Standards Committee
Lead member: Chair of the Audit & Standards Committee
Lead director: Executive Director for Finance & Resources
Contact: Jackie Algar, Risk Management Lead Tel: 01273 291273.
Agenda items
- 23/09/2014 - Audit & Standards Committee Strategic Risk MAP Focus review Dates; and RISK MAP Focus on SR19 Implementation of the Care Act; SR20 Better Care Fund; and SR13 Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults 23/09/2014
- Strategic Risk MAP focus: SR19 Implementation of the Care Act; SR20 Better Care Fund; and SR13 Keeping Vulnerable Adults safe from harm and abuse