Issue details - Review of Section 106 Developer Contributions Temporary Recesssion Measures
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Issue details
Review of Section 106 Developer Contributions Temporary Recesssion Measures
This report provides the annual update on the
s106 developer contributions temporary ‘recession’
measures first introduced in 2010. The 4th annual review was on 23
January 2014 and the fifth annual review is now required. In view
of the current economic situation the report will recommend that
the measures are not extended further.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/12/2014
Decision due: 15 Jan 2015 by Economic Development & Culture Committee
Lead member: Chair of the Equalities, Community Safety & Human Rights Committee
Lead director: Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing
Contact: Debra May, Section 106 (Developer Contributions) Officer Email: Tel: 01273 292295.
Agenda items
- 15/01/2015 - Economic Development & Culture Committee Review of Section 106 Developer Contributions Temporary Recession Measures 15/01/2015
- Review of Section 106 Developer Contributions Temporary Recesssion Measures