Issue details - Highway Asset Management Strategy

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Issue details

Highway Asset Management Strategy

Sets out the Council's strategy for maintaining the highway network, the financial implications for investment and information on changes to DfT Highway Block Maintenance funding allocations

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/02/2015

Decision due: 17 Mar 2015 by Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee

Lead member: Chair of the City Environment, South Downs & The Sea Committee

Lead director: Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing

Contact: Email: Tel: 01273 294597, Email: Tel: 01273 292036, Juliet Theobald, Divisional Assistant Email: Tel: 01273 293339, Marie Chesham Email:


Agenda items


  • Highway Asset Management Strategy  


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