Issue details - Review of the Constitution - March 2015
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Issue details
Review of the Constitution - March 2015
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/03/2015
Decision due: 19 Mar 2015 by Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015)
Lead member: Chair of the Strategy, Finance & City Regeneration Committee
Lead director: Head of Law (Monitoring Officer)
Contact: Abraham Ghebre-Ghiorghis, Corporate Director- Corporate Services (Monitoring Officer) Email: Tel: 01273 291500.
- 24/03/2015 - Review of the Constitution - March 2015
- 06/08/2015 - Review of the Constitution - March 2015
Agenda items
- 19/03/2015 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) Review of the Constitution - March 2015 19/03/2015
- 26/03/2015 - Council Review of the Constitution - March 2015 26/03/2015
- Review of the Constitution - March 2015