Issue details - Brighton & Hove Rough Sleeping Strategy 2016
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Brighton & Hove Rough Sleeping Strategy 2016
The issue of rough sleeping has become more
acute recently with a visibly increased presence on the streets.
This not only impacts on the individual’s life chances, but
also the city’s reputation and costs to public services and
The city’s current approach to rough sleeping has been
re-assessed to ensure that the city’s commissioners, service
providers and those supporting people sleeping rough are working in
partnership to a clear strategic plan. This plan will reduce rough
sleeping in the city and improve outcomes for people sleeping rough
and those at risk of rough sleeping.
This report presents the draft Rough Sleeping Strategy 2016 for
Note: Report and Strategy also going for approval at HNH Committee
on 15 June 2016. Additional endorsement to be sought at Health
& Wellbeing Board (12/7), Strategic Housing Partnership (12/7)
and Brighton & Hove Connected (5/7)
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/06/2016
Decision due: 11 Jul 2016 by Neighbourhoods, Communities and Equalities Committee
Lead director: Executive Director for Adult Services, Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing
Contact: Email: Tel: 01273 293159.
Agenda items
- 11/07/2016 - Neighbourhoods, Communities and Equalities Committee Brighton & Hove Rough Sleeping Strategy 2016 11/07/2016
- Brighton & Hove Rough Sleeping Strategy 2016