Issue details - Strategic Risk Focus: SR2 Financial Outlook; SR26 Organisational Capacity; and SR32 Health & Safety Assurance
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Issue details
Strategic Risk Focus: SR2 Financial Outlook; SR26 Organisational Capacity; and SR32 Health & Safety Assurance
This is a regular report to enable Audit &
Standard Committee Members to focus on the management of specific
Strategic Risks and ask questions of the Risk Owners and officers.
The Audit & Standards Committee have elected to focus on at
least 2 strategic risks at each of their meetings in order to
deliver their role to monitor the effectiveness of risk management
and internal control.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/05/2017
Decision due: 25 Jul 2017 by Audit & Standards Committee
Lead member: Chair of the Audit & Standards Committee
Lead director: Executive Lead Officer for Strategy, Governance & Law (Monitoring Officer)
Contact: Jackie Algar, Risk Management Lead Tel: 01273 291273.
- 26/07/2017 - Strategic Risk Focus: SR2 Financial Outlook; SR26 Organisational Capacity; and SR32 Health & Safety Assurance
Agenda items
- 25/07/2017 - Audit & Standards Committee Strategic Risk Focus: SR2 Financial Outlook; SR26 Organisational Capacity; and SR32 Health & Safety Assurance 25/07/2017
- Strategic Risk Focus: SR2 Financial Outlook; SR25 Organisational Change; SR10 Information Governance Management; and SR18 Transition to modern, digital IT