Issue details - Museum Plan
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Museum Plan
To approve the refreshed museums forward plan, setting out the key developments for the service over the next five years.
The Museum plan has been deferred to allow time for finalising the draft plan and stakeholder consultation following a workshop with Members of the Culture,Tourism and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny at the end of January.
Item deferred from the 24 March Cabinet Member Meeting at the request of the Director and because the item is awaiting approval from the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council for it’s Renaissance programme which forms an important part of the plan. If this programme is not approved the business plan will be shaped differently.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Significant impact on 2 or more Wards;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Decision due: 9 Jun 2009 by Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Decision due: 11 Jun 2009 by Cabinet (pre 2012)
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Lead director: Director of Housing, Culture & Enterprise
Department: Culture & Enterprise
Contact: Janita Bagshawe, Head of Museums & Royal Pavilion Email: Tel: 01273 292840.
Consultation process
Culture, Tourism & Enterprise Overview
& Scrutiny Committee on February 5th.
On-going user and non-user research will inform the plan.
- 10/06/2009 - Museum Plan
Agenda items
- 09/06/2009 - Culture, Recreation & Tourism Cabinet Member Meeting Museum Plan 09/06/2009
- Cabinet meeting report for Museum Plan
- Cabinet member meeting report for Museum Plan
Note posted on Thursday, 12th March, 2009
item deferred from 24th March Cabinet Member Meeting at the request of the Director and because the item is awaiting approval from the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council for its Renaissance programme which forms an important part of the plan. If this programme is not approved the business plan will be shaped differently.