Issue details - Community Infrastructure Levy - Draft Charging Schedule and Draft Regulation 123 List

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Issue details

Community Infrastructure Levy - Draft Charging Schedule and Draft Regulation 123 List

This report seeks approval to consult upon two documents required in the preparation of a Community Infrastructure Levy: a Draft Charging Schedule which has responded to an 8 week consultation exercise carried out upon the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule approved by this committee in Sep 2017; and a Draft Regulation 123 List of infrastructure which may be funded in whole or in part by the levy.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 05/01/2018

Decision due: 8 Mar 2018 by Tourism, Development & Culture Committee

Lead member: Chair of the Equalities, Community Safety & Human Rights Committee

Lead director: Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture

Contact: Clare Flowers, Senior Planning Officer Email: Tel: 01273 290443.


Agenda items


  • Community Infrastructure Levy - Draft Charging Schedule and Draft Regulation 123 List  


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