Issue details - Programme for the future delivery of responsive repairs and empty property refurbishments, planned maintenance and improvement programmes, and major capital projects to council housing stock
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Issue details
Programme for the future delivery of responsive repairs and empty property refurbishments, planned maintenance and improvement programmes, and major capital projects to council housing stock
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/12/2019
Decision due: 15 Jan 2020 by Housing Committee
Lead member: Chair of the Housing & New Homes Committee
Lead director: Executive Director for Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities
Contact: David Canham Email: Tel: 01273 293165.
Agenda items
- 15/01/2020 - Housing Committee Future Repairs and Maintenance to Council Housing Stock 15/01/2020
- Programme for the future delivery of responsive repairs and empty property refurbishments, planned maintenance and improvement programmes, and major capital projects to council housing stock