Issue details - Next steps - Rough Sleeping and Accommodation during Covid 19 Pandemic and recovery
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Next steps - Rough Sleeping and Accommodation during Covid 19 Pandemic and recovery
Emergency accommodation acquired at the start
of the pandemic needs to be extended while move on options are
developed. A bid is being developed for submission to MHCLG for
funding to make such provision but in the meantime resources are
required to begin meeting the identified shortfall.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Decision due: 14 Aug 2020 by Policy & Resources Committee
Lead member: Chair of the Strategy, Finance & City Regeneration Committee
Lead director: Executive Director for Health & Adult Social Care, Executive Director for Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities
Contact: Emily Ashmore Email:, Sylvia Peckham, Head of Temporary Accommodation & Allocations Tel: 01273 293318.
Agenda items
- 14/08/2020 - Policy & Resources Committee Next steps - Rough Sleeping and Accommodation during Covid 19 Pandemic and recovery 14/08/2020
- Next steps - Rough Sleeping and Accommodation during Covid 19 Pandemic and recovery