Declarations of interest, 28 June 2023 - 8 July 2024

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Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'To consider and determine planning applications on the plans list :23 September 2009'

  • Councillor Amy Kennedy - Non Pecuniary - Councillor Kennedy referred to Application BH2009/01489, Tiger Enterprise Ltd, 50 Marina Way, Brighton stating that although she had attended several public events at the site, neither the applicant nor the agent were known to her, she remained of a neutral mind and it was her intention to remain at the meeting during the debate and decision making thereon.
  • Councillor Les Hamilton - Prejudicial - Councillor Hamilton spoke in respect of Application BH2009/00532, 116 St Andrew's Road, Portslade in his capacity as a Local Ward Councillor. He had requested that the application be determined by Committee and had indicated that he was not in agreement with the Officers' recommendations. Having spoken in support of the application he withdrew from the meeting and took no part in the discussion, debate or voting thereon.
  • Councillor Paul Steedman - Personal and Prejudicial - Councillor Steedman decalared an interest in Application BH2009/01489, Tiger Enterprise Ltd, 50 Marina Way, Brighton. He did not consider he was of a neutral mind and stated that he would leave the meeting during consideration of this application and woud take no part in the discussion or voting thereon.
  • Paul Vidler - Personal and Prejudicial - The Deputy Development Control Manage, Mr Vidler declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Application BH2009/01518, Sussex County Cricket Ground, Eaton Road, Hove by virtue of the fact that he was a Sussex County Cricket Club Member. He had taken no psart in processing rthe application or formulating the recommendation set out in the report. Any questions arising from the officer's presentation would be answered by the case officer.


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