Declarations of interest, 20 June 2023 - 30 June 2024

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Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'To consider and determine planning applications on the plans list'

  • Councillor Dee Simson - Personal and Prejudicial - Councillor Simson declared an interest relating to bias on application BH2010/01454, Woodingdean Business Park, Bexhill Road, Brighton, as the application was in her ward and she had publicly supported development on the site. She withdrew from the meeting during discussion of and voting on the item and did not take part therein.
  • Councillor Rachel Fryer - Personal and Prejudicial - Councillor Fryer declared an interest relating to bias on application BH2010/01382, Westdene Primary School, Bankside, Brighton, as she sat on the Children’s and Young People’s Trust Board. She withdrew from the meeting during discussion and voting of the item and did not take part thereon.
  • Councillor Ted Kemble - Personal and Prejudicial - Councillor Kemble declared an interest relating to bias on application BH2010/01382, Westdene Primary School, Bankside, Brighton, as he had publicly supported the application. He withdrew from the meeting during discussion of and voting on the item and did not take part therein.
  • Hilary Woodward - Personal - The Senior Solicitor, Ms Woodward, advised Members of the Committee that she had a connection with application BH2010/01382, Westdene Primary School, but that connection would not affect her advice on the application.


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