Declarations of interest, 28 June 2023 - 8 July 2024

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Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'To consider and determine planning applications on the plans list : 22 July 2009'

  • Councillor Carol Theobald - Personal - Application BH2009/00737, Longhill Secondary School. had attended a proize giving day at the school recently, buthad not discussed the application remained of a neutral mind and would remain present during the discussion and decision makng process.
  • Councillor Dee Simson - Personal - Application BH2009/00737, Longhill Secondary School. Had attended a presentation at the school but had not expressed an opinion thereon, remained of a neutral mind and would remain present during the discussion and voting thereon.
  • Councillor Geoffrey Wells - Personal - Application BH2009/00797, Land adjacent to Woodiside, Falmer Road, Woodingdean. Had visited the owner of a neighbouring property, had expressed no opinion on the application , remained of a neutral mind and would remain present during discussion and voting. Application BH2009/00737, Longhill Secondary School. Had attended a presentation at the school but had not expressed an opinion remained of a neutral mind and would therefore remaipresent during discussion and voting.
  • Councillor Ian Davey - Prejudicial - Application BH2009/00761, SackvilleTrading Estate. although he had neither a personal or prejudicial interest in the application he had expressed a view regarding the scheme and would not therefore remain present during the discussion or voting thereon.
  • Councillor Lynda Hyde - Personal and Prejudicial - Application BH2009/00847, Land R/o Princes Road. Applicant had carried out building work for a member of her family. Left the meeting and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.


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