General exception notice to forward plan - Special Urgency Notice: Commercial Property Lettings

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General exception notice

Special Urgency Notice: Commercial Property Lettings  (12/07/2024 to 18/07/2024, Forward Plan)

Plan items
No. Item


Commercial Property Lettings New

    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   18 Jul 2024

    Lead officer:  Jessica Hamilton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/07/2024

    Reason for urgency:
    in respect of Café Unit at Outdoor Sports Hub, Kingsway, Heads of Terms for the lease are agreed and practical completion of the property is due on 6 September 2024. As a Key Decision the lease cannot complete until Cabinet agrees the recommendation. A delay to the lease completion would leave the building sitting vacant beyond practical completion at cost to the council. In addition, any delay to the lease completion will delay the council’s public announcement about the tenant and the café’s occupation.

    Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Commercial Property Lettings (Exempt Category 3) New

    Decision maker:  Cabinet

    Decision due:   18 Jul 2024

    Lead officer:  Jessica Hamilton

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/07/2024

    Reason for urgency:
    In respect of Café Unit at Outdoor Sports Hub, Kingsway, Heads of Terms for the lease are agreed and practical completion of the property is due on 6 September 2024. As a Key Decision the lease cannot complete until Cabinet agrees the recommendation. A delay to the lease completion would leave the building sitting vacant beyond practical completion at cost to the council. In addition, any delay to the lease completion will delay the council’s public announcement about the tenant and the café’s occupation.

    Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - view reasons


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