Meeting attendance - Meeting of Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee on Thursday, 10th March, 2022, 4.00pm

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Meeting attendance

Thursday, 10th March, 2022 4.00pm, Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee

Venue:   Hove Town Hall - Council Chamber

Contact:    Thomas Bald
Democratic Services Officer

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Martin Osborne Joint Chair Present
Councillor Steph Powell Joint Chair Present
Councillor Clare Rainey Deputy Chair Apologies
Councillor Amanda Evans Opposition Spokesperson Present
Councillor Amanda Grimshaw BEM Opposition Spokesperson Apologies
Councillor Dee Simson Group Spokesperson Present
Councillor Vanessa Brown Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Nick Childs Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Marianna Ebel Committee Member Present
Councillor Leo Littman Committee Member Present
Thomas Bald Committee Administrator Expected
Lola Banjoko Non-Voting Co-Optee Expected
Joanna Martindale Non-Voting Co-Optee Present
Nick May Non-Voting Co-Optee Expected
Justin Burtenshaw Public Present
Stephanie Prior Non-Voting Co-Optee Present
Councillor Carmen Appich Committee Member Present as substitute
Councillor Sue Shanks Committee Member Present as substitute


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