Meeting attendance - Meeting of People Overview & Scrutiny on Tuesday, 14th January, 2025, 4.00pm

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Meeting attendance

Tuesday, 14th January, 2025 4.00pm, People Overview & Scrutiny

Venue:   Hove Town Hall - Council Chamber

Contact:    Giles Rossington

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Anusree Biswas Sasidharan Public Expected
Councillor Jackie O'Quinn Chair Expected
Councillor Tobias Sheard Deputy Chair Expected
Councillor Julie Cattell Committee Member Expected
Councillor Andrei Czolak Committee Member Expected
Councillor Lucy Helliwell Committee Member Expected
Councillor Ellen McLeay Committee Member Expected
Councillor Anne Meadows Committee Member Expected
Councillor Sue Shanks Committee Member Expected
Councillor Jacqui Simon Committee Member Expected
Councillor Alison Thomson Committee Member Expected
Lesley Hurst Church Representative Expected
Maria Cowler Church Representative Expected
Sara Fulford Non-Voting Co-Optee Expected
Joanna Martindale Non-Voting Co-Optee Expected
Adam Muirhead Non-Voting Co-Optee Expected
Becky Robinson Non-Voting Co-Optee Expected
Dr Anusree Biswas Sasidharan Non-Voting Co-Optee Expected
Luke Proudfoot Committee Administrator Expected
Giles Rossington Committee Administrator Expected
Hilary Edgar Officer Expected


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