Meeting attendance - Meeting of Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee on Wednesday, 29th January, 2025, 4.00pm

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Meeting attendance

Wednesday, 29th January, 2025 4.00pm, Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Venue:   Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall

Contact:    Giles Rossington
Policy Partnership & Scrutiny Officer

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Theresa Fowler Chair Expected
Councillor Gary Wilkinson Deputy Chair Expected
Councillor Faiza Baghoth Committee Member Expected
Councillor Julie Cattell Committee Member Expected
Councillor Amanda Evans Committee Member Expected
Councillor Ty Galvin Committee Member Expected
Councillor Raphael Hill Committee Member Expected
Councillor Emma Hogan Committee Member Expected
Councillor Theresa Mackey Committee Member Expected
Councillor Jackie O'Quinn Committee Member Expected
Mo Marsh Non-Voting Co-Optee Expected
Nora Mzaoui Non-Voting Co-Optee Expected
Geoffrey Bowden Non-Voting Co-Optee Expected


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