Meeting attendance - Meeting of Housing Committee (pre 2015) on Wednesday, 14th January, 2015, 4.00pm

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Meeting attendance

Wednesday, 14th January, 2015 4.00pm, Housing Committee (pre 2015)

Venue:   Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall

Contact:    Caroline De Marco
Democratic Services Officer

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Bill Randall Chair Present
Councillor Alex Phillips Deputy Chair Present
Councillor Dawn Barnett Committee Member Present
Councillor Emma Daniel Committee Member Present
Councillor Anne Meadows Committee Member Present
Councillor Amy Kennedy Committee Member Present
Councillor Mary Mears Committee Member Present
Councillor Garry Peltzer Dunn Opposition Spokesperson Present
Councillor Sven Rufus Committee Member Present
Councillor Chaun Wilson Group Spokesperson Present
Rachel Chasseaud Officer Expected
Ododo Dafe Officer Expected
Geoff Raw Officer Expected
Martin Reid Officer Expected
Liz Woodley Officer Expected
Caroline De Marco Committee Administrator Expected


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