Download details for Meeting of Licensing Panel (Licensing Act 2003 Functions) on Tuesday, 20th August, 2024, 10.00am
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Download meeting details as a vCalendar
Zaf'ron Limited, Licensing Panel (Licensing Act 2003 Functions), 20/08/2024
Click the following link to download an electronic calendar appointment file containing the details for the meeting of Zaf'ron Limited, Licensing Panel (Licensing Act 2003 Functions), 20/08/2024.
Add to your calendar using VCS format VCS 1KB
Add to your calendar using ICS format ICS 1KB
Electronic appointment files, in ICS or VCS format, can be read by many email programs, PDAs, and mobile telephones, and can be an easy way to load appointments.
When you click the link, you will be prompted to Open or Save the vCalendar. If you keep an electronic calendar using a recent version of Microsoft Outlook, you can can choose Open to read the contents of the vCalendar directly into your electronic calendar.
Some electronic calendars, including Lotus Notes and Novell Groupwise, cannot directly open an appointment file from the web. If this is the case, selecting the Open option may generate an error message, or ask you to choose a program to open the file with. In this instance, try again, selecting the Save option to save the appointment details to a file. Your calendar program may allow you to import the appointment details from this file. Alternatively, programs such as Groupwise and Notes support vCalendar files as attachments to emails, so you can email this file to yourself and then import it. Refer to your program's online help for assistance.