Issue - items at meetings - City Performance Plan 2011/12 Report

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Issue - meetings

City Performance Plan 2011/12 Report

Meeting: 10/09/2012 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee. (Item 16)

16 City Performance Plan 2011/12 Report pdf icon PDF 105 KB

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(Note that this item was considered before Item 15 on the agenda)

16 Head of Policy and Performance Richard Butcher Tuset introduced the City Performance Plan (CPP) 2011/2012 Report that had been considered at July Policy and Resources Committee and full Council. The CPP was ‘owned’ by the BHSP and a key part of the Performance and Risk Management Framework that monitored how we do as a City and Council.


16.2 The data-gathering process covering all areas of work in the City, was long and complicated. Results from the Citytracker survey in November, would be added into the report at a later stage.


16.3 The report was a chance to note the areas of good work, note ‘amber’ areas and ‘red’ or off-target areas and seek reassurance where necessary about work in progress to move towards ‘green.’


16.4 Progress had been made in the ‘conference’ economy, educational attainment, alcohol-related disorders, first time entrants to the youth justice system,  persistent and prolific offenders, child obesity, meeting the decent homes standard and bringing empty properties back into use.


16.5 There were concerns about young people not in education, employment or training (being addressed eg via the apprenticeship scheme) and homelessness and rough sleeping that was challenging to tackle. Working with the community and voluntary sector a homelessness fund for single people with complex needs was being sought from Lottery funding.


16.7 Alcohol-related violence incidents were decreasing, though alcohol-related health issues seemed to be increasing.


16.8 Councillor Ben Duncan, Chair of the Community Safety Forum (CSF) reminded the meeting that the incidence and reporting of disability hate crime (CPP2.8) is regularly presented in detail to CSF.


16.9 The Committee discussed the trends in GCSE achievement (CPP3.1).


16.10 Some Members questioned the monitoring and recording process regarding homelessness and rough sleepers and suggested a wider definition and new survey method be used. Number of people in bed and breakfast accommodation was queried. Results of the 2011 census soon to be available, would be helpful.


16.11 The meeting heard a scrutiny review of homelessness was being set up by HWOSC. Councillor Duncan asked that the potential effect of the new law making squatting a criminal offence, be included in this.


16.12 Members discussed the role of scrutiny in considering performance reporting – working with strategic partners and looking both at the strategic level and the detailed level, how data is collected, the types of measurements and whether further information is needed.


16.13 Options for performance reporting for scrutiny would be presented to a future OSC meeting.


16.14 RESOLVED; 1) that the areas of good progress in the City Performance Plan progress report be noted.


2) that future activity and barriers outlined in the CPP report Appendix 2 in areas of concern, be noted.


3) that options for performance reporting for scrutiny, be brought to a future OSC meeting.







Meeting: 19/07/2012 - Council (Item 15)

15 City Performance Plan 2011/12 Report pdf icon PDF 105 KB

Additional documents:


Meeting: 12/07/2012 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 29)

29 City Performance Plan 2011/12 Report pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Report of the Strategic Director; Resources (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)               That the areas of good progress made in the City Performance Plan (CPP) progress report in Appendix 2 and the Performance Indicators Headline report Appendix 1 be noted;  


(2)               That the future activity, but also barriers outlined in the CPP report Appendix 2 in areas of concern be noted; 


(3)               That the Strategic Leadership Team be requested to use the resources at their disposal, including officers in the local authority and thematic partnerships to maintain progress and tackle issues of concern highlighted in the CPP; and


(4)               That the plan be recommended to full Council for Approval.


29.1         RESOLVED:


(1)         That the areas of good progress made in the City Performance Plan (CPP) progress report in Appendix 2 and the Performance Indicators Headline report Appendix 1 be noted; 


(2)         That the future activity, but also barriers outlined in the CPP report Appendix 2 in areas of concern be noted; 


(3)         That the Strategic Leadership Team be requested to use the resources at their disposal, including officers in the local authority and thematic partnerships to maintain progress and tackle issues of concern highlighted in the CPP; and


(4)         That the plan be recommended to full Council for Approval.


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