Issue - items at meetings - Annual Report on Brighton & Hove Music Education Hub
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Annual Report on Brighton & Hove Music Education Hub
Meeting: 15/10/2012 - Children & Young People Committee (Item 18)
18 Annual Report on Brighton & Hove Music Education Hub PDF 106 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, People (copy attached)
Additional documents:
That the Committee notes the progress and development of the Brighton and Hove Music and Education Hub as outlined in the report and approves the draft Business Plan (Appendix 1) to the report.
18.1 The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, People informing them of progress and development of the Brighton and Hove Music Education Hub (BHMEH) and to approve the proposed Business Plan.
18.2 It was noted that Mr Andrew Comben had been invited to attend the meeting by the Chair in order to speak about music in Brighton and Hove and the work to be delivered by hub from his perspective. The range of partnerships which had been entered into had received positive feedback from the Arts Council England (ACE) and had contributed towards the success of their grant application. Ace had issued a draft relationship framework which had been required from music hubs. At the present time this document was being reviewed by the DfE Star Chamber Scrutiny Board. It was expected that the final document would be circulated in the near future to all hub leads. The existing service had data collection and evaluation systems in place, however, the draft framework represented a significant shift as the data and written information would need to be collated across hub activity. The strength of Brighton and Hove’s bid had been fully recognised by ACE who had especially highlighted the innovative approach to partnership working, our rigorous focus on addressing the needs of children and young people and the range of creative and musical developments that would not have been possible without the dynamic range of partners and clarity of vision.
18.3 Councillor Pissaridou welcomed the report and the work which had been undertaken enquiring regarding the levels of subsidy which were available. It was explained that these were comprehensive, high levels of subsidy were available to children of families of children defined as being in “hardship”. First access was free to all children at the point of contact. It was explained that work was to be undertaken to look at prioritising subsidies to different groups of children. The challenge was to draw in more children. The range of work to be provided by the hub was wider than service delivery alone and although at an early stage further work would be undertaken as this rolled out.
18.4 In answer to questions by Rachel Travers it was explained that as the hub would provide the opportunity for a greater range of activity than in the past, further work would be carried out to seek to indentify how support could best be given to SEN children.
18.5 Councillor Wealles stated that he hoped that the greater potential opportunities for private sponsorship would be fully utilised. It was explained that it was intended to call upon the fund raising expertise of hub partners in this respect.
18.6 Councillor Mac Cafferty explained by virtue of his involvement with Brighton Music Trust he could confirm that the hub’s inception had been greeted with a lot of excitement as it was considered it had a great deal of potential.
18.7 RESOLVED - That the Committee notes the progress and development of the Brighton and Hove Music and Education Hub as outlined in the report and approves the draft Business Plan (Appendix 1) to the report.