Agenda for Cabinet (pre 2012) on Thursday, 14th January, 2010, 4.00pm

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Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Tanya Massey, Senior Democratic Services Officer 


No. Item


Procedural Business

    (a)   Declarations of Interest by all Members present of any personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any interest and whether the Members regard the interest as prejudicial under the terms of the Code of Conduct.


    (b)   Exclusion of Press and Public - To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration.


    NOTE:  Any item appearing in Part 2 of the Agenda states in its heading either that it is confidential or the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the public.


    A list and description of the categories of exempt information is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls.

    Additional documents:


    142a         Declaration of Substitutes


    142a.1      Councillor Randall declared a personal, but non-prejudicial interest in Item 156, a joint report of the Director of the Adult Social Care & Housing and the Director of Finance & Resources concerning Brighton & Hove Seaside Community Homes Ltd (the LDV), as he was a member of the Management Board of the LDV.


    142b         Declarations of Interest


    142b.1      There were none.


    142c         Exclusion of Press and Public


    142c.1      In accordance with section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (‘the Act’), it was considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during an item of business on the grounds that it was likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press or public were present during that item, there would be disclosure to them of confidential information (as defined in section 100A(3) of the Act) or exempt information (as defined in section 100I(1) of the Act).


    142c.2      RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of items 162 onwards.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 102 KB

    Minutes of the Meeting held on 9 December (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    143.1                RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meeting held on 9 December 2009 be approved as a correct record.


Chairman's Communications

    Additional documents:


    144.1                The Chairman noted that the meeting would be webcast.


    144.2                The Chairman wished those present a Happy New Year and commented that the new decade had already done its best to challenge the council with some of the worst winter weather conditions for 30 years. She thanked all those residents and members of staff who had been worked hard to keep the city safe and moving, including 36 volunteer 4x4 drivers who helped ferry hospital staff to and from work and made vital home visits to vulnerable residents. There had been a real sense of community spirit across the city as people helped neighbours, kept the pavements clear of ice and acted as baby-sitters for parents who had to get to work.


    The Chairman advised that the council would learn from the experience and added that there was only so much that the council could do when faced with such severe weather conditions.


    144.3                The Chairman explained that the bad weather had affected the distribution of the Cabinet agenda and apologised that Members had had less time to look at the papers.


    144.4                The Chairman updated Members on two of the 10 priorities that had been announced at the previous Cabinet meeting.


    She reported that in relation to creating opportunities for young people to meet their aspirations and potential, a new city-wide Apprenticeship Strategy would be launched and in 2010/11 the council’s target for apprenticeships would be increased to 40. In addition, having been successful in gaining £2.3million from the Future Jobs Fund, the council would aim for 50% of the 350 jobs created to be match-funded to year long apprenticeships and had recently heard from the Department of Work and Pensions that Brighton & Hove City Council was the top performing authority in the country in relation to successful job placements.



    In relation to the priority of working to strengthen communities across the City, the Chairman announced that Brighton & Hove had become the first city in the country to have all of its statutory agencies sign up to a single ‘Equality and Human Rights Charter.’ The charter committed agencies to ensuring that residents from all sections of the community had equal access to services that were appropriate to their needs.


    144.5                The Chairman reported that the council had been ranked as the top local authority in Stonewall’s annual Workplace Equality Index for the second year running. She thanked all the staff involved in the assessment process.


    144.6                The Chairman announced that the council had received written confirmation from the Schools Adjudicator that proposed expansions to the pupil intake at Westdene and Goldstone Primary Schools from this September could go ahead.


    144.7                The Chairman made an announcement in relation to the future of the Brighton History Centre and the Booth Museum. She explained that due to the level of affection for the services she had made the decision to redirect some discretionary spending towards keeping these centres open.  The History Centre would remain where it was until The Keep opened. She explained that the council listened carefully and implemented policies designed to reflect public opinion.  She added that an independent commission would be set up to look into how the city’s museums would be funded and managed into the future.


Items reserved for discussion

    (a)   Items reserved by the Cabinet Members


    (b)   Items reserved by the Opposition Spokesperson


    (c)    Items reserved by Members, with the agreement of the Chairman.


    NOTE: Public Questions, Written Questions from Councillors, Petitions, Deputations, Letters from Councillors and Notices of Motion will be reserved automatically.

    Additional documents:


    145.1                RESOLVED – That all the items be reserved for discussion.


Petitions pdf icon PDF 52 KB

    Report of the Director of Strategy & Governance (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    146(a)       Petition – Falmer Academy site traffic


    146.1                Councillor Marsh had submitted a petition signed by 400 people concerning the routing of site traffic for Falmer Academy through residential roads in Moulsecoomb, but was unable to attend the meeting.


    Councillor Brown explained that early consideration had been given to the routing of construction traffic for the proposed Falmer Academy, but that it had become apparent following extensive investigation that it would not be possible to gain vehicular access through the university or stadium sites.  The complexity of coordinating five major building projects at the same time; the Academy, The Stadium, The Keep, a University Sports Hall and major road junction changes, had meant that access routes from the stadium and University were blocked and would continue to be so for the period of the academy build.

    There was no existing service road suitable for construction traffic that ran through the University of Brighton to the Falmer Academy site.

    The project sponsor Rod Aldridge, a Kier representative and officers of the council had met with local councillors and residents on 21 December 2009 to discuss their concerns regarding the project and site traffic in particular. The Falmer Academy Project manager, Rod Derbyshire, has committed to attending all future local Local Action Team meetings and regular community sessions would be set up, once a month to start with, at a venue and time agreed by the community groups. The first meeting would be arranged following consultation with local groups in February. Regular information sheets regarding site traffic arrangements would also be produced and contact numbers for concerns over damage to cars/roads, dirt on roads and any other incidents would be provided.


Public Questions

    (The closing date for receipt of public questions is 12 noon on 7 January 2010)


    No public questions received by date of publication.

    Additional documents:


    147.1                There were none.



    (The closing date for receipt of deputations is 12 noon on 7 January 2010)


    No deputations received by date of publication.

    Additional documents:


    148.1                There were none.


Letters from Councillors

    (The closing date for receipt of letters from Councillors is 10.00am on 4 January 2010)


    No letters have been received.

    Additional documents:


    149.1                There were none.


Written Questions from Councillors

    (The closing date for receipt of written questions from Councillors is 10.00am on 4 January 2010)


    No written questions have been received.

    Additional documents:


    150.1                There were none.


Notices of Motion

    No Notices of Motion have been referred.


    Additional documents:


    151.1                There were none.


Council Tax Base 2010/11 pdf icon PDF 79 KB

    Report of the Director of Finance & Resources (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)         That Cabinet approves this report for the calculation of the council’s tax base for the year 2010/11.


    (2)         That Cabinet agrees that the Collection Rate remains at 98.1%.


    (3)         That Cabinet notes that the proposed tax base will raise approximately £1.1m additional resources in 2010/11 that were not factored into the December Budget Update report.


    (4)         That Cabinet agrees that, in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) Regulations 1992, the amounts calculated by Brighton & Hove City Council as its council tax base for the year 2010/11 shall be as follows:


    §         For Brighton and Hove whole – 94,511.05 (as detailed in appendix 1)

    §         For the Royal Crescent Enclosure Committee – 30.63 (as detailed in appendix 2)

    §         For the Hanover Crescent Enclosure Committee – 39.98 (as detailed in appendix 3)

    §         For the Marine Square Enclosure Committee – 79.26 (as detailed in appendix 4)

    §         For the Parish of Rottingdean – 1,507.30 (as detailed in appendix 5)


    (5)         That Cabinet agrees that, for the purposes of Section 35(1) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, the expenses of meeting the special levies issued to the council by the Enclosure Committees shall be its special expenses.


    152.1                The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Finance & Resources concerning the tax base calculation for 2010/11 (for copy see minute book).


    152.2                Councillor Davis stated that the Administration had claimed that they would increase council tax by only 2.5%, but that the report showed that the council would receive a further 2.2% from taxpayers, equating to more than £1 million extra revenue. She commented that council tax should be used to protect public jobs and services and that she welcomed the retention of the existing Brighton History Centre and the review of museums. She asked for confirmation that the funding to keep Brighton History Centre open would come from existing resources and was not a one-off payment.


    152.3                The Chairman confirmed that Brighton History Centre would remain open in its current location until The Keep opened.


    152.4                Councillor Young explained that the Administration’s approach to the council tax base was to calculate the expected revenue on the basis of existing homes only and not to include revenue from anticipated new homes. The approach proved prudent as no shortfall could be experienced and additional council tax from new homes would contribute to a surplus.


    152.5                Councillor Fallon-Khan commented that realising the lowest ever council tax increase seen by the city during a recession was a significant achievement. He added that the Audit Commission had awarded the council four stars out of four for running over 700 services and that this was achieved whilst keeping council tax low.


    152.6                RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:


    (1)         That the report be agreed for the calculation of the council’s tax base for the year 2010/11.


    (2)         That the Collection Rate remain at 98.1%.


    (3)         That it be noted that the proposed tax base would raise approximately £1.1m additional resources in 2010/11 that were not factored into the December Budget Update report.


    (4)         That, in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) Regulations 1992, the amounts calculated by Brighton & Hove City Council as its council tax base for the year 2010/11 be as follows:


    §         For Brighton and Hove whole – 94,511.05 (as detailed in appendix 1)

    §         For the Royal Crescent Enclosure Committee – 30.63 (as detailed in appendix 2)

    §         For the Hanover Crescent Enclosure Committee – 39.98 (as detailed in appendix 3)

    §         For the Marine Square Enclosure Committee – 79.26 (as detailed in appendix 4)

    §         For the Parish of Rottingdean – 1,507.30 (as detailed in appendix 5)


    (5)         That, for the purposes of Section 35(1) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, the expenses of meeting the special levies issued to the council by the Enclosure Committees shall be its special expenses.


Comprehensive Area Assessment 2009 pdf icon PDF 87 KB

    Report of the Director of Strategy & Governance (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)         That Cabinet notes the findings and judgements contained within the Comprehensive Area & Organisation Assessment reports.


    (2)         That Cabinet instructs officers to ensure that improvement recommendations from the CAA are reflected in departmental, business and improvement planning over the coming year.


    153.1                The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Strategy & Governance concerning the first year of Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA) judgements (for copy see minute book).


    153.2                Councillor Randall commented that overall Members should be pleased with the work the council was doing with its partners. He raised some concerns in relation to health inequalities and advised that the council’s partners needed to set clearer targets in some areas, which should be followed up and monitored. He commented that forthcoming decisions on how funds would be raised would impact on how issues in relation to the council’s housing stock would be addressed. He also stated that more could be done to improve efficiency, enhance the environment and tackle carbon emissions.


    153.3                Councillor Watkins also highlighted concerns in relation to health inequalities, in addition to problems of drug misuse and hospital admissions due to alcohol related problems. He added that overall the assessment was good, but that the council must not become complacent.


    153.4                Councillor Hawkes stated that the assessment showed that the council had much to be proud of. She raised concerns over education in relation to recent reports in the media and asked for confirmation of a targeted action plan to tackle the problems. She also highlighted uncertainty over plans to improve the housing stock and concerns in relation to child poverty and mortality rates. She added that the council must ensure that government funding was being properly targeted.


    153.5                The Chairman shared the concerns about the housing stock, and added that since they had come into power, the Administration had been working to achieve the investment needed after many years of under investment.


    153.6                Councillor Norman advised that the council would not become complacent in relation to Adult Social Care and was constantly working to ensure progress by partnering to tackle problem areas. He stated that, contrary to reports in the media, Adult Social Care performance had improved every year under the current Administration.


    153.7                Councillor Brown stated that the assessment reported many positive outcomes for Children’s Services and that Ofsted had rated the council as ‘Performs Well’. She agreed that the GCSE results had been disappointing and assured Members that robust improvement plans had been put in place. Immediate action had been taken in two of the city’s schools where surprisingly low results had been seen and both were receiving experienced help and support has been provided. Four of the city’s secondary school schools were in receipt of funding from the National Challenge Programme and this had mainly been used for additional staffing support and included a ‘Raising Attainment’ plan. Councillor Brown added that the report from the annual review of services from National Strategies stated that the local authority supported schools through a wide range of targeted programmes.


    Councillor Brown advised that in none of the city’s secondary schools was behaviour rated as less than satisfactory. However, less than half were rated as good and a strategy was in place to achieve good behaviour in all schools. She added that general behaviour strategy had resulted in less exclusions and increased attendance.


    In response to a query from Councillor Hawkes, Councillor Brown reported that the performance of the majority of ethnic minority children had been above the national average.


    Councillor Brown advised that the assessment had shown positive outcomes for many areas of Children’s Services, including children’s homes, adoption services, childcare, primary school standards, involving young people in decision-making, anti-social behaviour and the proportions of young people staying in education and achieving full qualifications.


    153.8                Councillor Caulfield explained that since becoming the Administration the percentage of council homes not meeting the Decent Homes standard had decreased from nearly 60% to 38.5%, which represented a dramatic improvement given that the impact of the Local Delivery Vehicle and maintenance contract had not yet been seen. Examples of improvements made without funding from the government included a programme of new front doors, removal of shared facilities and improved energy efficiency through insulation.


    153.9                Councillor Fallon-Khan commented that Brighton & Hove’s popularity as a tourist destination contributed to carbon emissions, but that improvements would be realised through work proposed to meet the 10:10 commitment.


    153.10            Councillor Randall added that 44% of carbon emissions came from housing, making improvement to the council’s housing stock essential.


    153.11            RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:


    (1)         That the findings and judgements contained within the Comprehensive Area & Organisation Assessment reports be noted.


    (2)         That officers be instructed to ensure that improvement recommendations from the CAA are reflected in departmental, business and improvement planning over the coming year.


Children's Services Annual Rating pdf icon PDF 62 KB

    Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)         That Cabinet notes that Brighton & Hove’s Children’s Services rating for 2009 is “Performs Well (3)”.


    154.1                The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services concerning Brighton & Hove Children’s Services rating for 2009 (for copy see minute book).


    154.2                Councillor Brown thanked staff and partners for their efforts in helping the council to achieve a ‘Performs Well’ rating from Ofsted.


    154.3                Councillor Hawkes added her thanks and commented that partnerships were now working well. She advised that she would be watching closely to ensure that jobs and services were protected and would continue to monitor progress and question the rate of improvement.


    154.4                Councillor Randall requested more information on the Team Around the Child (TAC) approach to children and young people, which involved delivering integrated services through joined up working.


    154.5                The Chairman asked officers to provide a briefing to all Members on the TAC approach.


    154.6                RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendation:


    (1)         That it be noted that Brighton & Hove’s Children’s Services rating for 2009 was “Performs Well”.


Community Safety, Crime Reduction and Drugs Strategy 2008 -2011 pdf icon PDF 87 KB

    Report of the Director of Environment (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)         That Cabinet recommends Council to give approval to the priorities within the Community Safety, Crime Reduction and Drugs Strategy 2008 -2011 and to the action plans for the delivery of those priorities.


    155.1                The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Environment presenting the Community Safety, Crime Reduction and Drugs Strategy 2008 – 2011 (for copy see minute book).


    155.2                Councillor Hawkes thanked the Partnership Community Safety Team and the council’s Head of Community Safety for putting the strategy together.


    155.3                In response to a question from Councillor Hawkes, Councillor Brown advised that a review of youth services was taking place. Officers would be working closely with the Partnership Community Safety Team and that she did not expect there to be a change to the area based approach to youth services.


    155.4                Councillor Randall commented that there was a need to concentrate efforts nationally and locally on educating people about the dangers of alcohol abuse and the link to violent behaviour. He also hoped that the council and its partners would find the resources to tackle the problem of hate incidents targeting disabled people as detailed in the strategy.


    155.5                Councillor Simson explained that the Licensing Act meant that it was difficult for the council to limit the availability of cheap alcohol, but that Licensing Panels were committed to using the powers at their disposal. She added that new services within the city had joined forces with the council to help tackle over-consumption of alcohol and that measures were in place.


    155.6                Councillor Watkins commented that it would be necessary to defend vital youth services from the prevailing economic circumstances in order to protect the futures of the city’s residents.


    155.7                The Chairman explained that Councillor Simson was committed to youth work and that the budget contained a separate proposal to ring fence funding for targeted youth work.


    155.8                RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendation:


    (1)         That the priorities within the Community Safety, Crime Reduction and Drugs Strategy 2008 -2011 and the action plans for the delivery of those priorities be recommended to council for approval.


Brighton & Hove Seaside Community Homes Ltd – funding options and consent pdf icon PDF 139 KB

    Joint report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing and the Director of Finance & Resources (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)         That Cabinet notes the outcome of the recent discussions with officials at CLG and for the reasons set out in paragraph 3.12 approves the adoption of the general consents route as the basis for securing the benefits from the LDV.


    (2)         That Cabinet notes the method for determining best consideration for the property leases.


    (3)         That Cabinet notes the latest capital receipt projections and the reasons for the reduction since the September 2008 report as set out in paragraphs 3.18 to 3.21 and appendix 3.


    (4)         That Cabinet approves the risk sharing matrix as set out in appendix 5 as the basis for a financial offer to the LDV.


    (5)         That Cabinet approves additional resources of up to £0.2m temporarily funded from General Fund reserves as detailed in paragraph 3.25 needed to further develop and finalise the general consents route and to allocate an appropriate budget to the LDV Board to undertake relevant work to deliver the project including negotiating with funders.


    (6)         That Cabinet notes that Cabinet and Full Council have already agreed that the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing be authorised, after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing, to take all steps necessary or incidental to the formation of the LDV and implementation of the proposals generally save as to decision on funding options.


    (7)         That Cabinet authorises the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing to take all steps necessary or incidental to implement the proposals in this report.


    (8)         That an offer be taken to the LDV Board within four weeks of this decision and that a letter be written to Board members for their meeting on 18 January confirming the timetable.


    156.1                The Cabinet considered a joint report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing and the Director of Finance & Resources advising Members of the latest position and progress with regard to funding options and consents for Brighton & Hove Seaside Community Homes Ltd (the LDV) (for copy see minute book).


    156.2                Councillor Caulfield reported that, following an informal meeting of the Housing Management Consultative Committee, tenants had given their support to the proposals within the report and requested that a timetable be attached, with financial remodelling to be completed within two weeks and an offer to be put to the LDV within four weeks. Tenants wished to go with the Leader of the Council and Opposition Spokesperson for Housing to meet with the Secretary of State to ask why the required consent had not been forthcoming. Tenants had also requested that Members set politics aside in dealing with the issue of tenants’ homes.


    156.3                In response to queries from Councillor Hawkes about deferring the report until the financial modelling had been completed, the Chairman explained that the council had responded to all requests for information from the Secretary of State, including providing information during the party conference, however, as consents had not been forthcoming, the council was obliged to consider other options.


    156.4                Councillor Randall agreed with the proposals in principle given that the council was not permitted to borrow against its assets. He raised concerns on behalf of the LDV Board about their disappointment at the length of negotiations with Communities and Local Government (CLG) and the increasing cost of consultants’ fees. He advised that the tenants and the Board needed a clear understanding of how the additional £200,000 would be spent and highlighted concerns over the ongoing use of Savills. He added that the success of the LDV was important to the whole city and that he hoped the council was successful in obtaining specific consents.


    156.5                In response to a statement from Councillor Watkins reminding Members that the Liberal Democrat Group had not been included in discussions on the LDV and had therefore not expressed a view on the proposals, the Chairman stated that she welcomed the views of all political groups.


    156.6                Councillor Caulfield confirmed that the only decision sought by the report was to authorise the additional £200,000 for financial remodelling. Tenants had already given their approval for the proposal, subject to putting a timetable in place.


    156.7                In response to questions from opposition councillors, the Chairman stated that it was important for tenants to know that Members took the matter seriously and that misleading reports in the media were unhelpful. She agreed that it was important to keep the cost of consultants low, however, CLG and the Government Office for the South East (GOSE) continued to ask for further information and that this had pushed costs up.


    156.8                Councillor Caulfield made a commitment to keep all Members informed of any progress and offered to provide information sessions on the remodelling and the offer to the LDV.


    156.9                The Chairman confirmed that a further report would be considered by the Cabinet and explained that an additional recommendation had been added to the report to deal with the request made by tenants to include a timetable for action.


    156.10            RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:


    (1)         That the outcome of the recent discussions with officials at CLG be noted and, for  the reasons set out in paragraph 3.12, the adoption of the general consents route as the basis for securing the benefits from the LDV be approved.


    (2)         That the method for determining best consideration for the property leases be noted.


    (3)         That the latest capital receipt projections and the reasons for the reduction since the September 2008 report as set out in paragraphs 3.18 to 3.21 and appendix 3 be noted.


    (4)         That the risk sharing matrix as set out in appendix 5 as the basis for a financial offer to the LDV be approved.


    (5)         That additional resources of up to £0.2m temporarily funded from General Fund reserves as detailed in paragraph 3.25 be approved to further develop and finalise the general consents route and to allocate an appropriate budget to the LDV Board to undertake relevant work to deliver the project including negotiating with funders.


    (6)         That it be noted  that Cabinet and Full Council had already agreed that the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing be authorised, after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing, to take all steps necessary or incidental to the formation of the LDV and implementation of the proposals generally save as to decision on funding options.


    (7)         That the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing be authorised to take all steps necessary or incidental to implement the proposals in this report.


    (8)         That an offer be taken to the LDV Board within four weeks of this decision and that a letter be written to Board members for their meeting on 18 January confirming the timetable.


Accommodation Strategy - Update and Proposals pdf icon PDF 112 KB

    Report of the Director of Finance & Resources (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)         That Cabinet notes the proposed next steps in the corporate Accommodation Strategy.


    (2)         That Cabinet approves the outline business case for the proposed exit of Priory House and the re-location of services to Bartholomew House and other subsidiary buildings.


    (3)         That Cabinet approves the creation of a unified public walk-in access point for council services in the centre of Brighton at Bartholomew House.


    (4)         That Cabinet authorises the further development of the detailed business case, detailed design and preparatory works.


    (5)         That Cabinet requests a further report on the implementation of the proposals following consultations and detailed business case preparation.


    157.1                The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Finance & Resources updating Members on the corporate Accommodation Strategy (for copy see minute book).


    157.2                Councillor Randall commented that the proposals were interesting and would be a positive step if it saved the council money in the long term. He highlighted common problems associated with hot-desking and home-working, but added that it could prove very successful after a bedding in period. He asked for information on how many members of staff worked from home during the recent snowfall.


    157.3                Councillor Fallon-Khan stated that the move to more flexible working would be a significant change, but that in the longer term it would improve morale, help towards the ‘Investors in People’ standard and improve productivity, services and customer access for residents. He reported that the whole of the ICT department worked from home during the adverse weather conditions, but that figures were not available for the whole organisation. He added that the proposals represented a large investment, and that the Council would make significant savings over time.


    157.4                Councillor Caulfield requested that, as part of the process, consideration be given to the Bartholomew House housing staff’s ICT infrastructure.


    157.5                RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:


    (1)         That the proposed next steps in the corporate Accommodation Strategy be noted.


    (2)         That the outline business case for the proposed exit of Priory House and the re-location of services to Bartholomew House and other subsidiary buildings be approved.


    (3)         That the creation of a unified public walk-in access point for council services in the centre of Brighton at Bartholomew House be approved.


    (4)         That the further development of the detailed business case, detailed design and preparatory works be authorised.


    (5)         That a further report on the implementation of the proposals following consultations and detailed business case preparation be requested.


Strengthening Communities and Involving People - Impact Reports pdf icon PDF 99 KB


Twelve Month review of the Constitution pdf icon PDF 132 KB

    (a)         Report of the Director of Strategy & Governance (copy attached).


    (b)         Draft extract from the proceedings of the Governance Committee meeting held on 12 January 2009 (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)         That Cabinet agrees the proposals set out at recommendations 1, 2, 5, 9, 10 and 14 of the report to come into force immediately after annual Council.


    159.1                The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Strategy & Governance concerning the outcome of the consultation on the twelve month review of the Constitution and proposals for amendments (for copy see minute book).


    159.2                The Chairman welcomed Councillor Oxley, Chairman of the Governance Committee to the meeting.


    159.3                Councillor Oxley explained that over 800 submissions had been received and that he had met with two groups to discuss their specific concerns. He stated that the transition to the new model of governance had been complex and challenging and that the council had aimed for openness and transparency and retained the best parts of the committee system where possible.


    159.4                The Chairman reported that further clarity would be provided around the role of the Chief Finance Officer as a result of a request from a member of the public. She thanked Councillor Oxley for his commitment and advised of a minor amendment to the recommendation (see 159.6 (1)).


    159.5                In response to a query from Councillor Watkins in relation to the Older People’s Council (OPC), the Chairman explained that the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing would meet with the OPC to clarify their concerns and Members would be informed of the outcome.


    159.6                RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:


    (1)         That the proposals set out in recommendations 1, 2, 5, 9, 10 and 14 of the report be agreed to come to into force immediately after annual Council.


Lanes car park - access arrangements pdf icon PDF 83 KB

    Report of the Director of Environment (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)         That Cabinet to approve the allocation of £0.588m for the reconfiguration of pedestrian access and lift renovation to create a safer environment, meet modern standards, the councils regulatory obligations and policy commitments.


    (2)         That Cabinet retrospectively approves additional expenditure incurred of £0.440m, including the provision of six additional parking spaces (valued at circa £24k per annum).


    (3)         That authority be delegated to the Director of Environment to approve the appointment of a contractor to carry out works referred to in 2.1 above.


    (4)         That an offer be taken to the LDV Board within four weeks and that a letter be written to Board members confirming the timetable.


    160.1                The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Environment updating Members on improvements made to The Lanes car park and proposals for the next stage to work (for copy see minute book).


    160.2                Councillor Kemble welcomed the report and explained that not investing in improvements to the car park could have had a serious effect on the tourism and visitor economy.


    160.3                In response to a question from Councillor Kemble, the Assistant Director of Sustainable Transport advised that the works would take five to six months in total and work would begin on site by the end of the financial year. He advised that there would be no impediment to pedestrian or vehicular access throughout the duration of the works.


    160.4                Councillor Hawkes gave her support to the work that had been done to improve London Road car park, but stated that she could not support the high level of investment being put into The Lanes car park. She added that she had received complaints from car park users who had become stuck between the barriers and found no staff available to help them.


    160.5                Councillor David Smith reported that users had been seen taking unnecessary risks by accessing the car park on foot using the vehicle entrance because the signs were not clear.


    160.6                The Chairman welcomed reports of problems experienced by car park users because it meant that issues could be addressed; officers were already working on ensuring clear signage was in place.


    160.7                The Director of Environment advised that the car park was staffed and monitored 24 hours a day; users should experience a better response from staff. She added that the improvements would help users to feel safer in the car park.


    160.8                RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:


    (1)         That the allocation of £0.588m be approved for the reconfiguration of pedestrian access and lift renovation to create a safer environment, meet modern standards, the councils regulatory obligations and policy commitments.


    (2)         That the additional expenditure incurred of £0.440m, including the provision of six additional parking spaces (valued at circa £24k per annum), be retrospectively approved.


    (3)         That authority be delegated to the Director of Environment to approve the appointment of a contractor to carry out works referred to in 2.1 above


Whitehawk Co-location Project pdf icon PDF 80 KB

    Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    (1)         That Cabinet notes the content of the report and the processes that will be undertaken going forward.


    (2)         That Cabinet agrees the sale of the two properties outlined in paragraph 3.10 and ring fence the capital receipt toward the funding of the project.


    (3)         That the Director of Finance and Resources be authorised to enter negotiations regarding the disposal of land required to generate the necessary capital receipt.


    (4)         That the project be added to the Capital Programme.


    161.1                The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services informing Members of the outcome of the Co-Location bid and the processes to be undertaken to deliver the project (for copy see minute book).


    161.2                Councillor Hawkes welcomed the project and stated that the government funding would enable the council to move forward on a project that would give support to the whole community. She asked for confirmation of whether the existing youth centre would be demolished and were staff would be relocated to.


    161.3                Councillor Brown confirmed that the land housing the youth centre and library would have to be sold, but that the demolition would not take place until the new buildings were ready. She advised that staff affected would be relocated to space within Whitehawk Primary School.


    161.4                The Chairman reported that she had received a petition from residents in relation to the project and that it would be referred to the next Children & Young People Cabinet Member Meeting.


    161.5                RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:


    (1)         That the report and the processes to be undertaken going forward be noted.


    (2)         That the sale of the two properties outlined in paragraph 3.10 be agreed and the capital receipt be ring fenced toward the funding of the project.


    (3)         That the Director of Finance and Resources be authorised to enter negotiations regarding the disposal of land required to generate the necessary capital receipt.


    (4)         That the project be added to the Capital Programme.


Part Two Minutes of the previous meeting

    Part Two Minutes of the Meeting held on 9 December (copy circulated to Members only).


    162.1                RESOLVED - That the Part Two minutes of the meeting held on 9 December 2009 be approved as a correct record.


Part Two Items

    To consider whether or not any of the above items and the decisions thereon should remain exempt from disclosure to the press and public.

    Additional documents:


    163.1                RESOLVED That item 162, contained in Part Two of the agenda, remains exempt from disclosure to the press and public.


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